Return Policy
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We’re so confident that you’ll love Miracle Vet products, you can try it with no commitment! If you don’t like the product, you can send it back for a full refund.
Our products can be returned within 30 days of the original purchase of the product.
Return policy applies to orders made on and on Amazon.
How does the return process work?
Make sure that your order is eligible for a return.
Fill in the return form.
Wait for our customer support to contact you and send you a return label. In most cases you receive a response within 1-2 business days.
Add the return label to the package and take it to the nearest shipping partner or post office in your area.
Once we receive your returned item, we'll process a refund or send a replacement within 1-2 business days.
Conditions of Return
Unopened items
Product needs to be in its original packaging.
Product isn't used or damaged.
Open items
Only first-time purchase of a product is eligible for a refund.
Open bags of dog food are ineligible for a refund.
Multiple open bags or open bottles of supplements will not be accepted.
Damaged or spoiled items
If your product is damaged during transit or arrives spoiled, please notify us immediately by filling the return form. We take full responsibility. You will have the option of a replacement or refund.
Incorrect items received
If you receive an incorrect or incomplete order, please notify us immediately by filling the return form. We take full responsibilty for the accuracy of your shipment. You will have the option of a replacement or refund.
Shipping charges
Shipping charges are not refundable.
Return shipping will be covered by us.