Miracle Vet Pet Advice
Looking after your dog's digestive system is a good way to help their long term health, but some dogs have more sensitive tummies compared to their doggy friends, at Miracle Vet we look at ways to help cater for more sensitive stomachs.
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Dog Allergies - Symptoms and Treatments
At Miracle Vet, we look at the different types of allergies affecting dogs, how to identify these and ways to treat them.
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Best Recovery Food for Cats and Dogs
When your fur baby is ill you want to give them the very best nutrition to aid their recovery and long term health. Miracle Vet works with top US vets to review all of our products and make sure our Miracle Vet pet weight gainer and supplements can aid in the recovery process.
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What Dog Food Can Help My Dog's Skin Allergies
Miracle vet work with veterinarians to create healthy dog food formulas that can help boost your dogs immunity and help alleviate skin allergies for your dog. we look at the foods and advice for managing your dogs skin allergy.
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How to help your dog gain weight
Helping your underweight dog gain weight requires a healthy and balanced approach. This guide provides tips on choosing the right food, supplements, and routines to safely help your dog regain their ideal weight.
Can Dogs Eat Rice?
A lot of our customers ask us about home cooked dog food and one question that always comes up is can dogs eat rice?
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Coping With Your Dogs Food Allergies
Food allergies and allergic reactions in dogs can be quite common, at Miracle vet we take you through everything you need to know about your dogs allergies.
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Caring For A Dog With Arthritis
According to the Arthritis Foundation 1 in 5 dogs will suffer with canine arthritis in their lifetime, this is most common in older dogs but it is important as a dog owner to be considerate of their changing needs if they develop arthritis.
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How to Care for a Cat with Kidney Disease
Caring for a cat with kidney disease may feel overwhelming, but here at Miracle Vet we have all the information you need to understand your cat and how to look after them.
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How To Prepare For A New Kitten
It is exciting bringing a new kitten home, whether you have cats or animals already or this is your first pet, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for your new kitten.
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